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You Are The Best

时间:2018-07-11  阅读:  作者:尹江style

While I was passing by,

Why did you leave rapidly?

While I was talking with you,

Why could not you see my eyes?

As we were lying under the sky,

Did you remember what I have said long before?

  • No matter you remember it or not,

    But I have never forgotten.

    When I missed you at night,

    I could not help to cry.

    Since I have fallen in love with you,

    My eyes will never be dry.

    Don’t be shy,

    Go to have a try.

    Don’t be frightened,

    Because I am everywhere.

    I am crazy about your smile,

    I will protect you as long as I am not dead.

    Give me five,


    Believe you can do that,

    And you can fly.



    左手握住了右手 小妇人 六 存在(外三篇) 关于理想的名言警句 危机四伏最新语录 青墨赠暮云 镇定的石头(外一章) 不能怀孕的女人 新常态下的“三农”工作的重要性 “三严三实”是锤炼干部的“火 母亲的智言慧语 六朝文人的戏谑 虫 儿 飞 因为懂,所以哀 异客 沉默的多数派 顾客与商人 一世长安 爱一个人,与年龄无关 你答应他了