
海崖文学 > 语录句子 > 经典语录 >


时间:2019-01-27  阅读:  作者:感悟语录

If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.





  • 你永远是我的一部分,没有人可以取代





    我的内心感到痛楚,因为她离我这么近,却无法触碰;如今的我俩已各分东西。要我接受这个单纯的事实并不容易,因为我们曾有共同的梦想,虽说已经是六年以前的事,但感觉就好像是过了两辈子这么久远。我们两个当然有共同的记忆,回忆甚至仍旧历历在目。不过就这方面来说,莎文娜和我也不一样。如果她的回忆像是夜空中的繁星,我的就是星星与星星之间虚空的距离。我跟她不一样,上次重聚以后,我问过自己千百遍,为什么要重续前缘?以后能不能再续? 到头来,毕竟是我为一切划下句点的。



    1、If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

    2、Si me dejas, por favor no me consueles, porque cada costura causará dolor de puncionar.

    3、Whether it's those first two weeks I got to spend with you or those last two months I got to spend with him ,eventually TIME ALAWYS RUNS OUT.

    4、here's something I wanna tell you , after I got shot you wanna konw the first thing that entered my mind before I blacked out ? Coins I'm 8 years old again on a tour of U,S,Mint.I'm listening to a guide explain how coins are made……you wanna know the very last thing that entered my mind. you.

    5、Don't you think you owed me that?you thought that little of me that you couldn't have just called me?why?http://www.popoho.com/


    6、because just hearing your vocie ,I would have changed my mind……I pick the phone a thousand times to try to call you ,you think that I really wanna be standing here in front of you like this?I have no choice.

    7、If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

    8、Si me dejas, por favor no me consueles, porque cada costura causará dolor de puncionar.

    9、Whether it's those first two weeks I got to spend with you or those last two months I got to spend with him ,eventually TIME ALAWYS RUNS OUT.

    10、here's something I wanna tell you , after I got shot you wanna konw the first thing that entered my mind before I blacked out ? Coins I'm 8 years old again on a tour of U,S,Mint.I'm listening to a guide explain how coins are made……you wanna know the very last thing that entered my mind. you.

    11、Don't you think you owed me that?you thought that little of me that you couldn't have just called me?why?

    12、because just hearing your vocie ,I would have changed my mind……I pick the phone a thousand times to try to call you ,you think that I really wanna be standing here in front of you like this?I have no choice.



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